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Neela's Wedding February 10, 1999
When we went to see our computer shop buddies we found them to be full of surprises.
Not only had they opened a newer and nicer shop, but they had also lowered their rates. We
also got the happy (but for some, heart breaking) news that Neela, the computer girl, was
getting married. She was very upset that we had missed her party but she invited us to
come to the wedding, which was to be three days later. We, of course, happily accepted.
We were lucky to get to experience a Nepali Wedding. Neela was dressed in a beautiful
bright red sari with intricate gold stitching. Bobby, her husband to be, wore a fine
double-breasted navy colored suit. Unlike the traditional American wedding, a small fire
pit was set up in the middle of the courtyard of an ancient temple and served as the main
alter. About 50 chairs were set up facing the fire. Large tapestries served as screens to
separate the ceremony from the cooking area on one side, and another wedding on the other.
Neela's father, an Army Major, had commandeered the Nepali Army Band who played
traditional drum and horn wedding music but, oddly, between numbers a techno- house music
cassette was played. During the seven hour ceremony 2 delicious meals were served and the
guests chatted, laughed, smoked cigarettes and came and went from the temple. All of this
continued on as a holy man changed and directed the bride, groom and various family
members through a ritual that had seemingly hundreds of tika pastings and holy water
sprinklings. There was even a moment where family would pour water over the couples feet
and then drink it! After lunch was served, Neelas's father handed out envelopes of money
to every member of Bobbys family. in the end, Neela sobbed as she was paraded behind
the band to be given, literally, away. They got into a car that had been decorated with
streamers and drove to Bobby's (and now Neelas) family home. |