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No gas II April 25, 1999
After our Whale Sharking Expedition, we went with our new
friends, Ben and Jen, back to their campsite and dined on a delicious hunk of Spanish
Mackerel that two fishermen had given us as a token of appreciation for helping them move
their boat tow out of the water. After we gawked at the meter and a half prize they had
caught for an appropriate amount of time, they kindly gave us enough fish to feed eight!
The next morning we got up, made some coffee, and had
some cereal (Rochelle - Corn Flakes, Mike - Sultana (raisin) Bran, Jeff - Honey Smacks).
We drove about two hours without seeing a gas station (this time we really didn't) and
knew that only a half hour up the road was a bowser (gas pump) holding Pavlova's drink of
choice. This proved to be about 27 minutes too far away. For our second time on the trip,
we pulled over to the side of the road and died. We sent Rochelle to the curb to
"show a little leg," and get us some petrol. An hour and a half later we were
back enroute, and arrived in the town of Tom Price just in time to see the sun disappear,
and the Kangaroos start a-hoppin'. |